Posted by Gloria Wong
11:47:00 PM
Hugging is good medicine
It transfers energy and gives the person hugged an emotional lift
you need four hugs a day for survival,
Eight for maintenance
and twelve for growth
Scientists say that is a form of communication
because it can say things you don't have words for
And the nicest thing about a hug is that you usually can't give one without getting one
Hugging is therapeutic
I love hugs!
Found this entire post on my colleague's facebook notes.
Love this note sooo much. so decided to copy it down =p
Life hasn't been great. To me everything right now is in a mess.
I can't figure everything and anything out at this very moment.
The past 2 weeks my mind just doesn't cooperate. Just doesn't want to concentrate.
Was down cast. Was confuse. Was lost.
One day, I was alone, nt doing anything. I whispered ... GOD ...
And bam! there and there I felt HIS presence ...
Sometimes He just amazes me.
Last week HE sent 2 Angels to encourage me ...
First was a short meet up with SIS
Second was a short text-conversation with R
This week wasn't good at all. 110709 - studio was the WORST studio I could ever have!
Dun even know how should I even describe it.
The day ended at 0010. I was down. hungry n wallowed in self pity.
Thank GOD for friends. Sam & jan pick me up for super late supper at 2am.
That kinda lift me up a little
Received a text earlier on from R. It was a piece of gd news.
GOD knows the heart of HIS sheeps.
I really do thank GOD that He is still a loving father no matter what happens.
No matter how far you walk away. He is STILL THERE.
No matter how foolish you are, thinking you can do it on your own
HE is still there. Always ready for you to run back into His arms.