Posted by Gloria Wong on 11:55:00 PM


My heart was pretty heavy this few days ... 
I feel like my emotions are taking a roller coaster trip in US. 
I had no idea why, but I have been really emo/down(what ever crap it is)
Just a mixture of feelings I don't quite know how to describe either?

It seems like whenever I'm turning a year older, somethings just have to happen.
I think my heart is pretty dead to various issues.

Few days back, variety side gave a disc "The making of the little nonya". 
Goodness. Looking back at those scenes makes me emo emo. 
thousand & one memories (good&bad) flooded my mind. 
It doesn't help, it just makes me even more emo! Geez 

Anyway ... I've bid goodbye to "双子星" and welcome "书包太重"! 
Sudden increase of workload makes me feel a little imbalance? 
Maybe I'm a little stress or am i suffering a series of panic-attack?
Why do I feel even more blur & stress after every meeting. :X Tian Arrh! 



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